Friday, November 15, 2013

Lights, Camera, Action!

Did you know that Reed has it’s own TV Show?  Each “D” day, and on certain special days, our very own students start the day with a “Reed TV” broadcast.

Reed TV consists of different classrooms leading the Pledge of Allegiance and Panther PRIDE Pledge.  Then students report the lunch choices, local weather, and popular sports stories. 

Reed TV also has its headline stories and special interviews.  Already, broadcasts have included interviews with Ladue School District Superintendent, Dr. Jahnke, Ladue Mayor, Nancy Spewak, Ladue Chief of Police, Chief Rich Wooten, Lt. Fireman Marcus Jones, and many others.  Reed TV is also been an effective tool to educate and disseminate information about other school initiatives, such as Veteran’s Day, Fire Safety, STARR Teams, and Reed Families.       

Students are responsible for developing all parts of the broadcasts.  Students write the scripts, develop the questions, choose the backdrops for the green screen, and even record the broadcasts. They are learning a lot of skills.  Our young news team is learning speaking, research, writing, presentation, and technology skills.

Of course, none of this would be possible without Jill Badalamenti, Technology Integration Coach, Julie Stone, Librarian, and the LEF, Ladue Education Foundation (  Mrs. Badalamenti submitted and was awarded a grant from the LEF last year.  Each week, Mrs. Stone and Mrs. Badalamenti volunteer their time each week to sponsor and assist our young news team.

Watch all the Reed TV broadcast by visiting the Reed website or clicking the below link.