Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Has Your Child Mentioned that He or She has a New Family?

This year we are building upon initiatives (such as STARR Teams, Panther PRIDE, etc.) and implementing another structure called “Reed Families” to teach Character Education, to give students a voice, and to ensure all students feel a part of Reed. Most Reed Families consist of two students from each grade level and one full time staff member who is regarded as the “Parent.”  Our goal is to have families stay together until students leave to go to the Fifth Grade Center.  Each year new Kindergarteners will join the families.  As a result, all students will experience being a mentee and mentor during their time at Reed.     

On October 11th, we met as families for the first time.  Our first meeting focused on team building.  We created Family Flags that told about each person.  Our goal this year is to meet approximately 7 – 10 times and focus on Panther PRIDE (Patience, Respect, Integrity, Determination, and Excellence).