Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Happy Place

I hope everyone is having a relaxing, fun-filled, educational summer.  This summer my wife and I were fortunate to enough to visit both of our “happy places.”  Starting with Lisa’s happy place—the beach. This place worked out especially well for my wife and daughter Marisa, who I think were both born with gills.  They could visit both the beach and a pool in the same day. The highlight for my son and I was shark fishing on a charter fishing boat.  Evan and I caught an astounding number of Black Tip Sharks—nine in total!  Don’t worry…we released them all!

I am finding that as I get older, I enjoy the outdoors more than ever before.  Lisa and I are looking forward to attending a wedding in Colorado in a few days.  Fortunately for me, we are carving out a couple of days to camp in the mountains…my happy place.  In addition to Colorado, we took a float trip, went to the top of the arch, and I took advantage of some extra time to ride my bike.         

Enjoy the rest of your summer and let’s be ready to come back to our other “happy place,” Reed Elementary.  I look forward to hearing about your adventures.   

Evan and Marisa with friends