Friday, February 28, 2014

Springing Forward to the 2014 – 2015 School Year

All of us at Reed are beginning to plan for the 2014 – 2015 school year.  To highlight some of our efforts, we are working towards ordering materials, developing schedules, reviewing teacher assignments, finalizing transition activities for our fourth graders and creating class lists.

During the next two months we will begin working on class lists.  I can assure you that our goal is to place each student in a classroom where he/she will be successful.  The process that we use is very thorough and time intensive.  Each staff member participates in the process to ensure that we are looking at all aspects of a student’s education.  We specifically consider each student’s achievement level, learning style, strengths/talents, special program needs, motivation level, and peer relationships.  Another one of our goals is to create balanced classrooms across grade levels that will enable staff to meet the needs of all students.

Parent input regarding class placement is welcomed but not required.  We at Reed acknowledge the important role parents have in their children’s education and the success of Reed.  Therefore, you are more than welcome to submit information you feel is relevant and unique about your child(ren).  Since every child has different needs, requests that focus on another parent’s opinions or experiences are generally not helpful. 

Because we review teacher assignments each year, requests to have or not to have specific teachers are not helpful and will not be accepted.  When a parent requests a specific teacher, his/her perception of that teacher is usually very unclear.  Therefore, the most helpful information you can submit relates to your child’s learning style, strengths/talents, motivation level, and peer relationships.  If you feel the need to submit information, please email me at by March 28th for it to be taken into consideration.