Thursday, November 21, 2013

Hungry? (new procedures for students who want an additional entrée)

Starting December 2nd, students who want an additional entrée, must let their teachers know first thing in the morning (when teachers take lunch count information). 

In addition, we will be limiting students to one extra side, which must be picked up at the beginning of their lunch period, but does NOT need to be ordered first thing in the morning.

The reason for this new procedure is to encourage students to eat a balanced lunch, to avoid running out of sides at later lunch periods, and to be more consistent with other schools.  At this time, we are the only school allowing students to have extra sides.

As always, students will need to have written permission from their parents (either a note or email to the teacher), allowing the student(s) to be able to purchase an extra entrée and/or side.  This note or email will be good for one full school year. 

Dismissal Update…Bring Down that Fence

As you know, we have been piloting the idea of installing a permanent fence or railing around the pavilion.  The purpose is to improve our students’ safety.  The fence helps guide walkers to a specific spot where teachers can hand them off directly to their parents.  The fence also provides a boundary for all students who are waiting under the pavilion but are enticed to leave the pavilion to play with other students (who have already been picked up by their parents).

After much discussion with staff and speaking to several parents, we feel we can experience the same desired results without a fence.  We will basically be following our same procedures but with a few adjustments.       

Here is what parents need to know.
1.    Teachers will walk their students to the edge of the pavilion.
2.    All students must stay on the sidewalk until their teacher dismisses them to their parents or places them under the pavilion. 
3.    Parents of walkers may greet their children on the north side of the pavilion.  Please do not encourage your child to come to you without informing the teacher.
4.    Parents are encouraged to not come under the pavilion to get their child.  Please inform a staff member, and we will happily retrieve him/her.
5.    Walkers who have been picked up by their parents should stay next to their parents.  To avoid accidents, students should not be playing tag or throwing balls in the grassy area between the sidewalk and Ladue Road.     

Thank you for your support.  We will continue to monitor our procedures and seek ways they can be improved.  If we experience more challenges after the fence is taken down, we will entertain making it a permanent fixture. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Lights, Camera, Action!

Did you know that Reed has it’s own TV Show?  Each “D” day, and on certain special days, our very own students start the day with a “Reed TV” broadcast.

Reed TV consists of different classrooms leading the Pledge of Allegiance and Panther PRIDE Pledge.  Then students report the lunch choices, local weather, and popular sports stories. 

Reed TV also has its headline stories and special interviews.  Already, broadcasts have included interviews with Ladue School District Superintendent, Dr. Jahnke, Ladue Mayor, Nancy Spewak, Ladue Chief of Police, Chief Rich Wooten, Lt. Fireman Marcus Jones, and many others.  Reed TV is also been an effective tool to educate and disseminate information about other school initiatives, such as Veteran’s Day, Fire Safety, STARR Teams, and Reed Families.       

Students are responsible for developing all parts of the broadcasts.  Students write the scripts, develop the questions, choose the backdrops for the green screen, and even record the broadcasts. They are learning a lot of skills.  Our young news team is learning speaking, research, writing, presentation, and technology skills.

Of course, none of this would be possible without Jill Badalamenti, Technology Integration Coach, Julie Stone, Librarian, and the LEF, Ladue Education Foundation (  Mrs. Badalamenti submitted and was awarded a grant from the LEF last year.  Each week, Mrs. Stone and Mrs. Badalamenti volunteer their time each week to sponsor and assist our young news team.

Watch all the Reed TV broadcast by visiting the Reed website or clicking the below link.